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When would my child benefit from OT?

Sensory Modulation Disorder

E.g. avoiding tactical experiences, blocking ears to protect from sound, fear of movement, fussy eating or sensory seeking and always on-the-go. Being easily distracted by sensory inputs, reacting negatively or aversely to sensory inputs.

Gross Motor Control

Low muscle tone and poor posture. The clumsy child. Poor gross motor skills requiring bilateral control and balance, such as hopping, skipping, galloping and ball skills. Avoidance of playground equipment.

Fine Motor Control

Including tool use of pencil and scissors, poor differentiation of the hand and poor muscle/grip strength. This may even affect dressing and eating, etc.


An inability to listen and follow instructions, impulsivity and hyperactivity, difficulty starting and completing tasks.


Child who is easily frustrated, poor self-esteem, anxiety, poor confidence and poor participation in class/groups.


Reversal of numbers and letters, inability to build age appropriate puzzles, poor body, shape and colour concepts, inability to match. Difficulties in spacing words, immature drawing of a person or inability to track a moving object.


Inability to play age appropriately, make and keep friends or make poor eye contact.


Difficulties with dressing, using the toilet or being independent.